Sunday, January 11, 2015

Numero Dos: Hobby Talk!

Welcome to my second post! If you are reading this, I appreciate it. Time to delve into the hobby a bit, since I want to do equal time for both that and fitness. Currently, I have a whole slew of projects going. First up is my Ogre Kingdoms - specifically, the Ironskin Tribe. We will start with an 8th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles "build list". Later on in the week, I will post about my other ongoing projects, but the Ogres really are my primary focus currently.

This army was a dream army of mine for a long, long time and it has been a pleasure to bring it to life one Ogre at a time. Currently, I have spent months working on it, so this post will be a little bit of catch-up on all that. More like a highlight reel, really. If you want to see all the work, I do have posts of it on Dakka Dakka's P&M section and over on the Ogre Stronghold's Gnoblogs section.

So, that is a little highlight reel of the Ironskin Tribe to-date. As I go forward with this project, I will be sure to post pictures of the progress. I recently got myself some Battlefoam cases for them (and my Carcharodons Astra). That was a big barrier for me, because I didn't want to paint them without a safe place to store them after. Now that the holiday madness is over and I have a bit more flexibility in my weekend schedule, I am going to get to painting very soon.

Throughout this upcoming week, I will try to post a bit about the other projects I have going on, so stay tuned if you care to. Also, I am going to toss up my workout routine for this week tomorrow (Monday) once I get it hammered out.

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