Saturday, May 2, 2015

Dusting out the cobwebs!

I can't believe how busy I get for someone with so little going on. Work, gym, and that pesky day-to-day stuff just eats up a lot of time and I find my poor blog just getting neglected. That being said, today I want to talk about the hobby.

Right now, I am still in the holding pattern I have been on since my hiatus began at the end of 5th Edition Warhammer 40,000. Yup, I haven't played a single game of 40k or Fantasy since that point. I did a brief stint of Dust Warfare... and boy is that a sore subject.

Anyhow, it looks like my holding pattern is going to get shaken up hardcore this year. The Imperial Knight Codex just went up for pre-order today, the Space Marines are getting redone this year (June timeframe, allegedly), and 9th Edition Warhammer Fantasy is coming this summer. Holy crap!

Also, a little birdie told me that Forge World is going to be making some decal sheets for the Heresy-era Knight Households. I was going to do custom decals for House Taranis, but only because I thought I could make them work with both 30k and 40k (but it won't and yes, I am that much of a fluff nut). Anyhow, looks like if I can be patient, House Vyronii might be in my future for my Horus Heresy army.

Oh yea, plus those poor Skorne. Until a Warmahordes crowd exists in my area, that is on hold too. 

That leaves me with my unloved Cadians. I am going to start slapping paint on those fools soon, but as per usual, I just can't commit to a paint scheme. 

So... what to do?

For starters, I am going to get my hands on two Wyverns. That is a must to run my solo Cadian list. First though, I am going to build the Steel Host portion of a list that I want to run (the other half is the Adamantine Lance).

But what color?

Well, thankfully, I have some time to work out that detail. I have a handful of commissions that tie up whatever painting time I do have.

Right now, I am weighing out a bone/black combo, adopting the 88th (grey/black), or going for something a bit off-the-wall with like orange or blue or something.

Also, I wanted to share some sketches with the community. I doodle at work when it is really, really slow, and I felt the need to draw some Iron Warriors in action and a Pyroclast torching stuff. Check them out!

Iron Warrior Legion Destroyer Squad
Salamanders Legion Pyroclast
Anyhow, that is all for now. I will get some more content soon! Look out for some finished Bolt Action models and maybe, if I am bold, some potential repainted X-Wing stuff.

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